CAV444 is a capacitance-to-voltage converter IC for the measurement of single capacitances. Its ratiometric output voltage signal is proportional to the input capacitance. CAV444 can be used as stand-alone IC or as front end for µC. Its wide capacitance measurement range and high sensitivity allow various applications.
Humidity measurement
Distance measurement
Capacitive pressure sensors
Level sensing
Material identification
Object detection
Short Specifications
Supply Voltage (VCC)
5 V ± 5%
Capacitance input range
10 pF .. 10 nF
Voltage output
1 .. 4 V (ratiometric), adjustable
Reference voltage
2.5 V (ratiometric)
Temperature range
-40 °C .. 105 °C
Temperature sensor output
2.20 .. 2.45 V (8 mV/K)
Package / Delivery forms
SO16, on DIL16-adapter, sawn 6″ wafer on blue foil
CAV444 with single input capacitance and adjustable, analog ratiometric voltage output (e.g. 1 .. 4 V).
Ordering Codes and Product Inquiry / Samples
Order number
Delivery form
SO16(n) package
sawn wafer on 6″ blue foil
CAV444 soldered to an SO16-DIL16 adapter
Order Number
A preassembled breadboard with easily adaptable capacitance range. Suitable for first experiments using CAV444. Please see the document CAV444-BB for further information.